1942 Chevy Pick Up Build

So this is what happens when I go away to America! This old 42 Chevy cab had been sitting in the corner for a few years after buying it for another job that required the front sheet metal… It’s a dumb looking thing as a stock cab and was getting neglected in the corner. I had gone to America previously and bought a tri power inlet manifold and carb set up with the intention of my boys building me a hot rod of some description. In the miscellaneous parts pile I also had a cool beer barrel fuel cell that came off another imported truck… with these three things, Chris dreamt up a cool little build and while I was away in November 2018 on another trip in the U.S Chris got the cab out and roof chopped it and left it sitting on the floor like a cat would do with a mouse for when I returned. It looked bad arse and he’s always out doing cool shit with his crew in the rods so I got a bit of fire in my belly and the decision was made that when we returned from Christmas break this would be his task to get done and built amongst running the build shop and all the other jobs. My brief was for it to be bare metal and black, no colours and I wanted black spoked wheels… The rest was up to Chris to work his magic and that’s what he did… 4 months later in May 2019 I had this little 42 Chev parked up waiting for me when I returned from yet another trip to America. Rego was sorted and it’s been an amazing little truck that’s never failed me straight out of the box…